
Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Way I Write

I think about how I write a lot, because no one person writes the same way, that's why we're all individuals and unique. Like I've mentioned before, I've been writing for as long as I can remember. It's the only thing besides motherhood that's truly come naturally to me. Ideas pop into my head a lot and my brain's always working, even when I sleep.

A lot of times I'll have this dream, sometimes great, other times not so much, and it'll help me where I'm stuck or it'll just give a great idea for another book I'm working on. I never use my dreams exactly how I dream them because then I'd have a lot of stories of me and Jensen Ackles fighting demons and kicking some serious ass. It would get kind of boring if you'd have to read that more than once. So I usually take the idea and make a lot of changes or I won't end up using it at all. But it's usually a start.

Which kind of brings me to my next point. When I'm working on a book I already have a clear visual in my head of what the characters look like and what music would best go with their flow. After I've picked the music, everything in my head is no longer 2 dimensional. It all ends up like a little movie playing in my head or maybe even a music video with a lot of talking. It's all clear and I can picture everything happening as it's happening.

I've had a fascination with movies for as long as I can remember and they're almost always in my head. That's probably why it isn't a steep step to picturing my books the way I do. When I was a kid, I used to think life was one big movie and someone out there was watching, probably getting a huge kick out of everything. I had a very active imagination growing up, which for the most part has helped tremendously with writing.

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