
Monday, February 1, 2010

Writing Is A Battlefield

I love writing, but there are times I hate it. Most times I hate when I really want to write, but can't because my real life gets in the way. I'm not saying it's my excuse to not write, but it's very hard to sometimes squeeze even 5 minutes of writing, let alone write a whole book.

These are the bad days, when I feel uninspired and useless as I sit in front of the computer. These are the days I know there's no way in hell I'll ever be published because I know I'm not good enough. And even if I manage to finish, who would actually want to read what I have to say? These are the days I feel completely unimaginative and uncreative and I know I'll never be able to finish. These are the days I come up with a billion excuses of why I should just give it up and find another option to make my mark. These are the days I can sit in front of the computer without a single idea or word to write down. These are the very bad days.

They don't happen everyday, but often enough to scare me into sometimes believing it's true. That I have no talent and I should quit wasting my time. And then something will happen, a great idea comes to mind or I finally figure out where I'm going next and those feelings completely disappear.

If I've learned anything over the years, writing's a battle and you're the only one who can guarantee that your side wins.

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