
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

what i'm doing

So, it's a new year and with this new year, I've decided to keep a new blog. Which can be located here: I'm still keeping this one, but it's going to be for all my writing ups and downs as I'm working on writing books (that one day will be published).

That blog will be the main one for me where I'll write about whatever I feel like. Movies, books, kid issues, things I love, the bath bombs B & I are making, etc. There is no limit. Basically everything I care about that no one but me and a few of my closest friends will actually read. I'm not saying other people won't read it because there is a chance they will. But most people don't if it's not about themselves or their closest peeps.

But if you do want to know what's going on with me, this is where to find it.

peace & love,